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Friday, March 28, 2014

The State of Commitment

The State of Commitment

Commitment by definition is a promise, a pledge, a vow or obligation.  It is our word, a binder; it is our guarantee.  However, I have found that in many cases these are just mere words; words that people use to impress others, but have no real meaning for their own lives.  Jesus spoke of such people when he quoted Isaiah, saying: ‘This people honors Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me.

I have found lately that most people don’t want to commit to anything, although they will tell you that they are committed.  Everyone seems to want a way out just incase things don’t work out as planned. 
True commitment seems to be very scarce, even in the church.  

In our Love Story series a few weeks ago we talked about this and found that it is true in marriages, it is true on the job, and it is true in our churches.  

In marriage people sign prenuptial agreements in order to protect their interest should something go wrong in the relationship.   When it comes to the job, many people will say whatever it takes in order to land the job—“I will travel…I will work overtime…I’m hard-working and dedicated, etc.”  But when the new wears off of the new job and the boss needs someone to stay late, the employee gets irate when asked to stay.  

People join churches and affirm their belief in the ministries of the church; they pledge their allegiance to the church and staff—only until a decision comes down that they do not like and then commitment goes right out the window and they excuse it as if it never existed.   

Now I’m not talking about a doctrinal issue or something morally right or wrong, but I speak of preferences, ideas, means and methods.  It is amazing, the fickleness of people who model their lack of commitment and immaturity to their friends and children, and in the same breath act as though they speak for God.  

Possessing this attitude of non-commitment people decide to do their own thing as if they don’t need Jesus or the church that they committed themselves to; then something tragic happens and they wonder: “Where is my church?”  “Where are my pastors and staff?”  Why hasn’t my church checked on me.  They go about in disbelief without regard for the fact that they've not been in church in months and months.  Then they begin to form a negative attitude about their church, and everything goes down hill from there. 

So how do we fix this?
  1. Keep your commitments.  If you have disagreements, talk about it and work it out, whether on your job, in your church, or in your marriage.  Remember, your commitment is your word.
  2. Pray about it and be open and honest with yourself, your leadership/boss/spouse about the situation. 
  3. Express your prayer needs and concerns to your spouse, the church, and to your Life Group.
  4. Call for the Elders (Staff and Life Group Leaders) of the church to pray when you are sick.  
I write this in hopes that we will take a look at our level of commitment and see if we are measuring up to the definition.  How are you doing with commitment?

Finally, I want to thank the scores of people that are committed and faithful members/attenders of the Harbor, as well as other great churches in our area.  I assure you that every pastor here is looking for committed men and women that say what they mean, and mean what they say.  

Thank You for Your Commitment!!!

Monday, October 7, 2013

The Blessings of Tithing

       On Sunday we had over 50 families accept the 4-Month Tithe Challenge, and this was only the initial invitation.  I am convinced that many other families will take the challenge in the coming weeks. Congratulations to these people that have put their trust in God and His Word.  They are in-fact doing what God asked them to do in Malachi 3:10-12
10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my Temple.  you do,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, “I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! Try it! Put me to the test! 11 Your crops will be abundant, for I will guard them from insects and disease.[a] Your grapes will not fall from the vine before they are ripe,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies. 12 “Then all nations will call you blessed, for your land will be such a delight,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.
       The other day I was preparing for a different message, in-fact it was the message on the family that I blogged about last week.  While studying to preach this message I was intrigued by something that I came across concerning tithing.  As we have previously discussed, Jacob and his mother Rebekah had deceived Isaac into giving the family blessing to Jacob (although God had already since before their birth stated that the elder would serve the younger).  Somehow Rebekah felt like she needed to perhaps "help God" in making sure her favorite son did indeed get the blessing.

       After this had taken place their was so much animosity in the family that they couldn't dwell together peacefully.  So Rebekah comes up with another idea; she and Jacob convince Isaac that the best thing to do is to send Jacob to his Uncle Laben's (Rebekah's brother) house; that he might take a wife from there.  Now if you're a student of the Bible you know that this turned out to be divine retribution for Jacob, because the deceiver got deceived!  He worked seven years for Rachel and ended up with Leah...  Then he was lied to on numerous occasions.  But all of that's another story.  What I want to share with you is what happened to Jacob on his was to his uncle's house.

       While traveling to Laben's house Jacob decided to turn in for the night because the sun was starting to set.  Here he took a stone and used it as a pillow, and there he fell asleep.  While he was sleeping he dreamed a dream; he saw a ladder that reaching from the earth to the heavens with the angels of God ascending and descending on it.
Gen. 28:13 And behold, the Lord stood above it and said: “I am the Lord God of Abraham your father and the God of Isaac; the land on which you lie I will give to you and your descendants. 14 Also your descendants shall be as the dust of the earth; you shall spread abroad to the west and the east, to the north and the south; and in you and in your seed all the families of the earth shall be blessed. 15 Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have spoken to you.” 16 Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it.” 17 And he was afraid and said, “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven!”18 Then Jacob rose early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put at his head, set it up as a pillar, and poured oil on top of it. 19 And he called the name of that place Bethel;[a] but the name of that city had been Luz previously. 20 Then Jacob made a vow, saying, “If God will be with me, and keep me in this way that I am going, and give me bread to eat and clothing to put on, 21 so that I come back to my father’s house in peace, then the Lord shall be my God. 22 And this stone which I have set as a pillar shall be God’s house, and of all that You give me I will surely give a tenth to You.”
       What I find amazing is that Jacob stayed at Laben's house for twenty years, but when he finally returned he came home as a wealthy man.  Notice the present that Jacob sent to his brother Esau when he was coming to meet him.  Here's the list of gifts:

  1. 200 Female Goats
  2.  20 Male Goats
  3. 200 Ewe Lambs
  4. 20 Rams
  5. 30 Milk Cows (with their colts)
  6. 40 Cows
  7. 10 Bulls
  8. 20 Female Donkeys
  9. 10 Foals

       Now I submit to you that this is not a present that is sent by a poor man.  This is a gift sent by a man that pledged/vowed to bring God the tenth of all God prospered him with more than twenty years ago!

That is the Blessing that come from tithing!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Family Dysfunction

As I was preparing for a message on the Family a few weeks ago, I was studying the family of Issac and Rebekah and the twin boys they had, Esau and Jacob.  They were a prime example of the dysfunctional family to say the least.  I mean you had Isaac whose favorite son was Esau, and you have Rebekah, whose favorite son was Jacob; partiality and favoritism from the word go.  Then you have the Word of the Lord that came to Isaac and Rebekah telling them that there were two nations in her womb, and that they would struggle with each other, and the older would serve the younger.

Amazingly, Isaac, when he was old would call his favorite son, Esau, to come before him so that he could give him the blessing.  However, Rebekah heard what was about to happen so she intervened by sending Jacob to go and kill a goat.  After they prepared the meal she put Jacob up to going before his father and pretending to be Esau, and asking for the blessing of the first-born.  So it appears to me that Isaac did not accept the fact that the older would serve the younger, (as God had earlier said) and he was about to follow the tradition of men and pass on this blessing of the first-born son to Esau.

That being said, Rebekah did not have to put her son up to lying; in fact they both took part in a scheme to deceive Isaac.  God had already said that Jacob was his choice to lead the family, and he didn't need their help to make it happen.  Anyway, Jacob, at the behest of his mother went in to deceive his aged father.  Isaac, although suspecting something was wrong, reluctantly went along with the blessing.  Of course he was blessing his younger son Jacob.  But remember, this was God's spoken plan in the first place.  From before they were born the Lord had already declared that the elder would serve the younger.  I find it amazing that we often try to alter or change God's spoken plan for us when we already know what He's said concerning a matter.  Well, Isaac and Esau didn't like it, but God's plan prevailed.

I would however like to point out a few things about this story.  I know that it was God's plan for Jacob to receive the blessing and ultimately lead the family; God had said so.  But notice what happened by Jabor and his mother scheming to ensure that it happened.

  1. There was great animosity between Jacob and his brother.  The last words that Jacob remembers before he left for his Uncle Laben's house was Esau saying: "When Daddy dies I'm going to kill you".
  2. This caused strife between Jacob and his father, and without a doubt between Isaac and Rebekah.
  3. Listening to his mother, Jacob thought he'd only be gone a few months, but it turned out to be 20 years, and we don't know if he ever saw his mother again after his departure. 

So when you do things your way and you get what you wanted, is it going to be worth the price you had to pay to get it?

Stayed tuned; I will add to this story tomorrow. 

Mike Sanes
Pastor, The Harbor

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Harbor Construction Update

The Opening Day of the New Harbor has changed!  
We will open on Sunday June 23rd @ 10:00

To summarize the day,

  1. We started out this morning working on a wheel chair lift for our stage.  God has blessed us to get one from a man that owns an assisted living house in Jax for $850.   I had a member call me and tell that he would pay half of this cost.  Thanks... you know who you are.
  2. We ordered the playground for the children, AND IT IS AWESOME!!!  Twenty-five kids can play on it at one time.  I had a member give me $1,000 on Monday toward this equipement (Thank you, mam.) Yes, we will need some help putting it together when it arrives.
  3. I had a member offer to pay for the installation of our irrigation system!  Wow!  What a blessing!  Thank you so much... You know who you are.  Also, COX WELL DRILLING agreed to put down a a well for cost @ $1600.  This well is to run our irrigation.  Thank you so much!
  4. I had another preacher call me today and tell me that he was sending us $1,000.00 to support the vision.  Thank you, sir!
  5. Our Sound Engineer gave us about $500 in free equipement today!  Thank you, sir.
  6. God has given us favor with a Landscaper that is drawing a plan for us; we will do the work under his direction.  Thank you, sir.
  7. Now, Georgia Power was not as generous when it came to paying the per month charge for parking lot lighting.  But we are God's people and we are blessed regardless, and God is making a way.
Please keep the church in your prayers as we continue to strive for excellence in serving the Lord.  Stayed tuned, there will be information breaking almost everyday from now until we get moved! 

Thank you for serving alongside and partnering with us in Kingdom Work!  

If you would like to make a difference by donating you may do so from our website.  Paypal is a secure way of donating, and your gift is tax deductible.  THANK YOU!!!   

Michael D. Sanes
Pastor, The Harbor

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Harbor Progress/Event Update


       Mother's Day was a great success here at the Harbor!  I say a special thanks to all of the volunteers that have served to make this possible.  You have helped change the lives of many people that were in service with us by simply serving.  So in whatever capacity you served, I say THANK YOU!

       My Mom is doing somewhat better than last week, but she still has a way to go before she can be released to go home.  Please continue to pray for her.  I also ask that you pray for a friend of mine (Charles Lawhon) whose mother is also bad shape in Columbus, Ga.  She needs a touch from the Lord and healing for her body.  Thanks

       Church Progress:  Day by day we are getting closer to completion.  I am excited about what is happening as we move closer and closer to our move to the new location.  I like many others, have mixed emotions about leaving, but without a doubt it is God's will that we go.  We are in the process of planning a proper Farewell Service and Gospel Sing for our last Sunday here, as well as planning an Open House and Grand Opening of the New Harbor Worship Center.  As you noticed, I did not put dates on this announcement, because at this point I'm not convinced that we will make the target date.  However, it is more important for us to get it right that it is for us to get it done fast.  Please continue to pray for Kelly and I as we strive to have the church ready for the move.

       Children's Wing: I thank everyone for praying for our children and giving to this great department.  Our children are not just our future, they are indeed our TODAY, for if we don't love and nurture them today; they will not be here in our future.  We MUST be prepared to love and tend to the multitude of children that God is sending our way.  God does not send people and children to places that are not prepared to minister to them.  That being said, we are still asking for people to partner with us in ministry for the children by giving a donation to this department.  You may donate securely from our website using paypal by clicking on this link The Harbor.  We also would like for you to share this challenge with your friends, because every bit helps.  Chic-Fil-A and Zaxby's has agreed to allow us to do a night at their restaurant for fundraising.

       Team Training:  We will have team training this Sunday night (May 19th at 6pm).  We ask everyone to take advantage of this "No Pressure" environment to train for ministry.  There are many opportunities available for ministry, so if you have any questions at all please email me at:  mike.sanes@HarborWC.com

Have a Great Day!

Mike Sanes
Pastor, The Harbor

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Our Call To Serve

Our Call To Serve...

So the people served the Lord all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders who outlived Joshua, who had seen all the great works of the Lord which He had done for Israel.  Now Joshua the son of Nun, the servant of the Lord, died when he was one hundred and ten years old...    When all that generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation arose after them who did not know the Lord nor the work which He had done for Israel.  (Judges 2:7-10)

How could this happen?  Why did this happen?  If you notice the Bible said that the people served the Lord under Joshua, and all the elders that outlived Joshua (men that he'd raised up, leaders) and these men had seen the great works of the Lord.  But when that generation of leaders died, another generation arose that DID NOT KNOW THE LORD, nor the work which He had done for Israel.  

The problem here is evident; the leaders failed to tell their story, their testimony.  They failed to pass down the words that had been passed down to them.  Perhaps they got busy.  Maybe they thought that their children would just automatically follow in their ways.  Whatever the reason, this last generation died knowing the Lord, but left their children and future generations to die lost without God, because they did not mentor and train the leaders to SERVE future generations.  

Could it be that we have gotten so busy as a people that we have neglected to tell our story?  Have we failed to tell our testimony?  When is the last time you told your story?  When is the last time you read the Word with your children, or took them to a worship service?  When was the last time you intentionally spoke to a friend that you knew was lost about Jesus?  Or when was the last time you invited your lost friends to fellowship with your church friends in service, small group, church function, etc.?

I believe that it is possible that we have grown so comfortable with our relationship with God and our church environment that we've lost sight of those coming behind us that don't know God; those who haven't heard the gospel.  I think that we too are running the risk of losing, or rather, raising a generation that don't know God, nor the great things He has done for His people.  This is what happens when we fail to tell our story and testify about what God has done in our lives.  We cannot call ourselves Christians and yet not care for the coming generations.

Many people wrongly assume that ministry is to be done only by "Professional Clergy"--(those with the calling and degree from a seminary).  Don't misunderstand me, I'm not opposed at all to education; I have a masters degree from The Pentecostal Theological Seminary, and I am proud of that education.  However, ministry and serving is NOT reserved only for those with such credentials; God has called us ALL into His service regardless of our level of education.   

The question nows begs: "Pastor, Why Should I Serve?"
    1. Because Jesus came to serve: Matthew 20:28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
    2. Because God has a work that only you can do.
    3. If you don’t serve in some capacity you will have become like that last generation that knew God.
      • They knew God, but didn’t feel the need to share Him with others.  Therefore when they died the country fell into apostasy.
    4. You should serve because you have friends that are lost, and children that need direction and understanding.
    5. They need to know where your confidence lies.
    6. They need to know and see where mom and dad turn when the going gets rough.
    7. They need to be taught to trust and depend on the Lord--if you don’t teach them nobody else will.  They will remember your example all the days of their lives.
    8. They need to see your faithfulness and your allegiance. 
    9. They need to see your dependance on God, and they need to hear your testimonies of God provision and direction in your lives.
    10. They need to hear you tell the story...
    11. They need to hear their mom and dad pray.
Visit our website in order to view this full message and others:  The Harbor

 It is time for us to serve!!!

Mike Sanes
Pastor, The Harbor

Monday, April 29, 2013

Harbor News / Insight

Meet & Greet:  We have a Meet & Greet scheduled for tomorrow night at 6:30 here at the church.  If you are new to the church and have not yet attended a M&G we would love to have you with us.  Just come as you are; we will have the food and drinks prepared.  It will be an opportunity for you to get to know the Pastors and Staff of the church, and to hear the vision of our church.  This is an informal and relaxed time where our staff will have time to talk and share with you, as well as hear your heart if you have something to share. 

GRAND OPENING OF THE NEW HARBOR: Our new church will open its doors for the worship service on June 9th.  We invite you to come and celebrate this milestone accomplishment with us.  For those who may not know, this has been a long process for us and we are glad to see in finally coming to completion.  It was many years ago that God burdened my heart for us to build a new worship facility, but there were many things standing in the way of that happening.  The truth of the matter is that it was just not God’s timing for us to build it back then.  What I saw as setback after setback was in-fact divine delays.  With much prayer and determination to be in the will of God we trudged on, believing that one day God would bring to pass those things he had laid on our heart.  About five and a half years ago we settled on buying 28.8 acres of land on the west side of Kingsland where Colerain Road and Highway 40 meet.  Now we were not looking for nearly 29 acres of land; we only wanted 10, but the difference in price prompted us go ahead and buy the whole tract.  As it turns out, God had a tremendous plan for us and we had no idea about it.  Shortly after buying the land, Georgia DOT announced that they would be widening Hwy 40 and making Colerain Rd. The Colerain Bypass.  While we were thinking that the land was a little too far out; God knew that He was placing us right in the intersection of two major roads coming into Kingsland from the west.  We serve an Awesome and All Knowing God.  

Mother’s Day: On May 12th we will celebrate our Moms.  We would love you for to have your mom in service with us on that day.  We will also have a Baby Dedication in the 11 O’Clock service, so if you have a child that has not yet been dedicated to the Lord please let us know and we will get you on the schedule.  

Training Days:  We have scheduled the Sunday evening service times of May 5th and May 19th to be training nights for all team workers.  If you filled out a connection card to get involved with one of the teams of ministry, please prepare to be here for training on these nights.  

We look forward to seeing you at these upcoming events, don’t forget to bring your friends!


Mike Sanes
Pastor, The Harbor